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Quality Journalism in the Digital Age

Tips for writing so readers keep reading

Good writing requires more than just talent. As with any craft, there are techniques you can learn. Luna Bolivar has been writing and copyediting for years. Here are some of her pointers for producing great copy.


Thursday 2012-06-14



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Tips to ensure effective and clear online writing

Whether editing your own online writing or articles prepared by others, it’s a good idea to make sure you haven’t overlooked any details before you publish.

Here’s a practical checklist of questions to ensure you’ve covered all the bases when it comes to solid journalistic style and user-friendly online presentation. 


Tuesday 2012-01-03



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Elections in Liberia and the role of journalists

On October 11, 2011, Liberia will hold its second democratic presidential and parliamentary elections since the end of the 1989-2003 civil war. Guest blogger Julia Bayer examines the role of journalists and the state of press freedom in Liberia.


Ranked 84 on Reporters Without Borders’ Press Freedom Index, Liberia has a long road ahead towards improving press freedom. However, the conditions for journalists working today have improved compared to those under the regime of Charles Taylor.


Thursday 2011-09-29



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What makes a good blog post?

Blogs make publishing literally anything online a breeze. And whether you’re a radio, TV, print or online journalist, a blog can offer a creative space to experiment, or a digital companion to your published or broadcast work – a sort of personal digital notebook – or, it can be whatever you want it to be.

Increasingly, many media outlets are using blogs in a more formal way – often giving journalists the freedom to explore a topic in more depth or take readers behind the scenes of their work.

But while technology makes blogging easy, starting out as a blogger and actually writing something worth reading can be a daunting task.

Blogging is a little bit like a digital writing adventure. And even though you might think someone is a good writer or a good journalist, that doesn’t necessarily mean they’ll instantly be a good blogger.

So, what follows here are a few tips to bear in mind for writing a good blog post.


Monday 2011-09-05



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A quick guide to covering breaking news

By Steffen Leidel
Whether catastrophe in Japan, the Arab Spring or Osama Bin Laden’s demise, recent events have shown even hard-nosed skeptics that there’s no way to escape social media as a news source for journalists. But undiluted tweets and wall posts on Facebook don’t necessarily carry news value in and of themselves. You need the right filters and a clear search strategy to extract the most relevant content from the excess of information. As Clay Shirky put it, "It’s not information overload. It’s filter failure.”                                      Photo credit: g23armstrong / Flickr
How to stay on top of the latest, breaking news? How to filter the non-stop flow of information? How to discern relevant, credible sources? How to verify the information you find? Here are some steps you can take to cope with international breaking news.
1. Be prepared. Create your own social circle for breaking news.
Breaking news happens without warning. So you should be prepared by setting up your own personal news circle. Twitter is an ideal medium for staying on top of the latest because it allows you to create your own customized news ticker. It’s a good idea to follow the breaking news accounts of major media outlets, such as CNN, Spiegel, BBC, Al Jazeera. Also a good choice is an account called Breaking News, which combines hundreds of news sources from around the world.


Thursday 2011-05-12



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