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Journalists@Work: Teresa Temweka Chirwa

In the first of our Journalists@Work series we meet Teresa Temweka Chirwa, an editor at Zodiak Broadcasting Station in Lilongwe, Malawi. Teresa participated in the recent DW Akademie in-house journalism training at ZBS. You can also listen to Guy Degen’s interview with Teresa below to find out more about working as a journalist in Malawi.


Thursday 2012-04-05



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Training Malian journalists during tense political times

The DW-AKADEMIE workshop on election reporting in Bamako is taking place during a time of real political uncertainty in Mali. Already there had been questions about whether the government was adequately prepared to hold the elections. And then in January, Tuareg rebels started attacking towns in northern Mali and that conflict has been going on ever since.

The first round of the presidential elections is scheduled for 29 April – about six weeks from now. But Mali doesn’t feel in full election mode yet. With all the potential problems that might arise people are wondering whether the elections will be held on the scheduled day. Political parties aren’t campaigning as aggressively as you might expect. People aren’t discussing the elections with as much passion as usual.


Tuesday 2012-03-20



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Appel à candidatures pour des journalistes marocains

Rédiger des reportages intéressants, actuels et en direct, préparer de manière attirante des sujets pour auditeurs et lecteurs: former des journalistes radio et online dans tous ces domaines – tel est l’objectif d’un projet commun de la Fondation Konrad Adenauer et de la Deutsche Welle Akademie. Nous invitons des journalistes marocains à participer à une formation journalistique à Tanger (du 7 au 17 mai 2012) qui aura lieu parallèlement à une conférence sur l’environnement: “Couverture Médiatique d’une Conférence sur l’environnement et changement climatique au Maroc”.


Monday 2012-03-19



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Creating personalized maps with UMapper and Google

There are different services to create individualized maps that you can embed in websites or blogs. One of them is UMapper, which allows a number of features like setting markers, adding text and photos. You’ll find step-by-step instructions on how to get started with UMapper in this video.

Unfortunately, you can’t add video to markers with UMapper. But you still may want to check this site out because it offers a lot of other interesting features.

For instance, you can create a map quiz using UMapper’s “GeoDart Game” template. Or you can create a twitter map that shows latest tweets containing a selected hashtag or keyword. To see how that’s done, check out this article.


Wednesday 2012-02-29



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“Nous avons un manque de formation pour les médias au Mali”

Depuis mi-janvier, le Nord du Mali est confronté à la reprise violente de la rébellion Touareg. Des milliers de personnes continuent de fuir les villes les plus touchées par les combats et les exécutions sommaires. Le MNLA, le groupe rebelle qui revendique l’indépendance de l’Asawad, est qualifié par Bamako de bandits armés sans foi ni loi. Ce groupe est composé d’anciens combattants Touaregs de l’armée libyenne.


Wednesday 2012-02-29



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Lights, camera, action for African film festival organizers in Berlin

For the ninth year in a row, DW-AKADEMIE is conducting a special film festival and event management training in cooperation with the annual Berlin International Film Festival, Berlinale. And, the last few weeks have been action-packed for the participants in Berlin during the festival.

The workshop is specifically designed for managers and organizers of film festivals in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Every year it’s a red-carpet intensive training to discuss festival planning, marketing strategies, and ideas to boost the genre of local film-making in developing regions and networking in the name of cinematic impact.


Friday 2012-02-24




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Lights, camera, action for Asian film festival organizers in Berlin

The last several weeks have been action-packed for the participants of the film festival and event management workshop taking place in Berlin. For the 9th year in a row, DW Akademie has conducted this special training event in cooperation with the annual Berlin International Film Festival, also known as the Berlinale. The workshop is for managers and organizers of film festivals in Asia, Africa and Latin America.

Every year it’s a red-carpet intensive to discuss festival planning and marketing strategies, boost the genre of local film-making in developing regions and network in the name of cinematic impact. “The workshop is a great gathering of 12 different cultures from three different continents,” says project manager Pamela Schobess. “It’s all about networking and we’ve had an amazing start, making contacts between festivals all over the world.”


Sunday 2012-02-19



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The best content curation tools for journalists

Image courtesy of verbeeldingskr8 / Flickr

Content curation helps journalists keep abreast of the latest developments in their beats. It also means that journalists become personal “human filters” for their audiences, offering them more value and insight into what is being posted on the web.

Content curation is not new. In fact, this is something journalists have always been doing by organizing information and presenting it to the public. Still, content curation is new. The role of journalists is shifting from gatekeepers to sense-makers and gate-watchers, says German journalist, Internet expert and DW-AKADEMIE trainer Markus Bösch. That’s where curation comes into play.

By curating content, journalists can embrace new tools which will make their voice heard as well as discover new research possibilities on the web. To get attention, reporters don’t have to produce exclusive content any more. They can also offer their expertise and serve as “human filters” that their audiences can trust.


Friday 2012-02-17



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Les médias sénégalais dans la tourmente de la présidentielle

Au Sénégal, à seulement quelques jours de la présidentielle du 26 février prochain, la campagne électorale reste marquée par un climat très tendu entre pouvoir et opposition. Fin janvier, au moins quatre personnes ont trouvé la mort lors des manifestations organisées par les forces vives – partis politiques et société civile – qui protestaient contre la validation de la candidature d’Abdoulaye Wade par le Conseil constitutionnel. Au pouvoir depuis 2000, le président sortant brigue un troisième mandat à la tête du Sénégal. Des centaines de manifestants mobilisés par l’opposition contre ce troisième mandat sont presque constamment dispersés à coup de grenade lacrymogène par la police dans la capitale sénégalaise. Dans ces conditions comment les journalistes qui couvrent ces événements peuvent–ils exercer librement leur métier en cette période très mouvementée?


Friday 2012-02-17



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East4South: Communication, coordination and cameras

Copyright: Tomáš Halász

As you may have read in earlier posts East4South is a unique journalism project that enables African journalists to research and produce stories with journalists from Eastern European countries.

Ten African journalists recently teamed up with ten Eastern European journalists for the third cycle of the East4South. The European journalists travelled through the home country of their African partner to research stories. Then together they produce their stories at the DW Akademie in Bonn.

The latest group brought back materials to produce a diverse range of stories from milk farming in South Africa, the struggles of Congolese female politicians to the glitz of Nigeria’s Nollywood, the world’s second largest film-making industry.


Monday 2012-02-13



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